
Showing posts from March, 2020

I will soon return to my desk :Abba Kyari speaks on his health status.

Statement by Chief of Staff to the President, on his health status: I am writing to let you know that on medical advice, I will transfer to Lagos later today for additional tests and observation. This is a precautionary measure: I feel well, but last week, I tested positive for coronavirus, the pandemic that is sweeping the world. I have followed all the protocols government has announced to self-isolate and quarantine. I have made my own care arrangements to avoid further burdening the public health system, which faces so many pressures. Like many others that will test also positive, I have not experienced high fever or other symptoms associated with this new virus and have been working from home. I hope to be back at my desk very soon. I have a team of young, professional, knowledgeable and patriotic colleagues, whose dedication has been beyond the call of duty, who continue to work seven days a week, with no time of the day spared. We will continue to serve the President and peo

Press release on absolute compliance by Sheikh AbdulMuhyi

PRESS RELEASE BY JAMA’ATU IZALATIL BID’AH WA’IKAMATIS SUNNAH (JIBWIS), NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS JOS-NIGERIA ON ABSOLUTE COMPLIANCE WITH OFFICIAL MEASURES TAKEN BY THE FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS AGAINST THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 IN NIGERIA The National Executive Council of JIBWIS under the leadership of Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Sani Yahaya Jingir declares its absolute compliance with health, safety and social measures taken by the Federal, and State Governments against the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria. In demonstration of this timely declaration, the organisation has already implemented safety measures, such as provision of hand sanitizers in offices and places of worship, distancing policy and closed all its Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Schools with over 7-million pupils/students nationwide. The Organisation has also terminated its National Seminar for Qur’anic Recitation Judges, Imams and other juristic participants. The organisation considered it imperative to restate its co

God answered the prayers of my loveones while on admission: Barr. Dalung

From: Abdulrahman Kirfi Since they didn’t think it was worthwhile to acknowledge God, God abandoned them to a defective mind to do inappropriate things. So they were filled with all injustice, wicked behavior, greed, and evil behavior. They are full of jealousy, murder, fighting, deception, and malice. They are gossips, they slander people, and they hate God. They are rude and proud, and they brag. They invent ways to be evil, and they are disobedient to their parents. They are without understanding, disloyal, without affection, and without mercy.” Romans‬ ‭1:28-31 CEB‬‬. When I posted that I was on admission and required prayers, it carried multiple messages to both my friends and fans. First, to establish the fact that as a mortal, I am a subject of the inevitable. Secondly, to communicate my condition to them, so as to minimise emotional trauma in an event it’s time for me to exit. Of course they have knowledge that I was sick before bowing out. Lastly, to reinforce the zeal

We should be cautiuos while Observing our obligations - Shehu Gabam

From: Usman Bukar The national Secretary of SDP Alh Shehu Gabam has called on Nigerians to observe the precautions and safety measures recommended by the medjmed expert to reduce the widely spread of the pandPandof covidCOV in Nigeria .He said it is a time of national cohesion to combat the global disaster and also pray for the quick recovery of the Governor of Bauchi State and other Nigerians currently been infected by the virus. He said ,It will be a new experience to many of us while observing for the first time Juma'at prayer from our homes in our life time but with strong conviction and believes from the owner of the universe that nothing comes from somewhere except he made it to happen . The misconceptions will be to many but it is only when we agreed that our prophet Muhammad SAW has asked his fellows to pray from home if there is heavy rainfall and a fellow should not be in Congressional prayers if such fellow is in contact with garlic .This and many other cited refer


Ina so ne in jawo hankalin jama'a a kan wannan annoba da ake fama da ita Mai suna Corona. Musamman wasu da har yanzu suke ganin cewa bata zo kasar mu ba kuma baza ta taba zuwa ba. Duk da a kullum ana fadin yawan jama'a da suka kamu da cutar a fadin duniya da kuma nan gida Nigeria. Kaman yanda masana da yawa suka fadi, an yi annoba da yawa a duniya tun shekaru aru aru da suka wuce. Sabo da haka ba wani sabon abu bane. Misali, an yi annobar da ake kira Justinian(541-542), wadda turawa suke ganin ma daga Afirka ta fito Sannan ta ketara kasashen Turai. Ita wannan annobar da ta isa birnin Santambul a shekaranjiya 541 A.D, a kullu yaumin Sai ta kashe mutum dubu goma. A fadin duniya ta kashe mutum Miliyan 25. Akwai annobar black death (1346-1353), Wato bakar mutuwa wacce ta kashe mutane Miliyan 75 zuwa 2000. Da kuma annobar Cholera (1852-1860), Wadda ta fito daga kasar Indiya ta kuma yadu sosai a duniya inda ta yi silar mutuwar mutane Miliyan daya a fadin duniya. Sai kuma Span


Quite a challenging week it has been for Nigeria, and, indeed, the rest of the world. Except perhaps in China only, where the affliction started from, figures of Coronavirus infections continue to mount in other parts of the world. Italy and Spain have been particularly badly hit. But as the world reels under the impact of a most pernicious pandemic, a suicide bomber wreaking deadly havocs, merchants of fake, hateful news remain fully at work. Aso Villa, the seat of presidential authority, has been their focus for most of the week. They have kept churning out spurious reports after the other about President Muhammadu Buhari, and some other people who work with him. If you choose to believe them, the President by now has even been evacuated, and is receiving medical attention at an undisclosed location somewhere in the wide world. Breaking news from Aso Villa. That is what you have had day after day. And each time I am contacted to authenticate one story or the other, I tell the enqu

Hate speech and anti-social media bills are inevitable

Corona virus was discovered in the Republic of China some months back and now here it is at our door steps that whether we like or not the victims are you and I . What is suprising is the manner some Nigerians have taken this deadly disease for granted without giving a special eye to the current happenings in countries like Italy , USA , Republic of China, Republic of Germany , Spain , UK,The kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Iran and other to many to mention countries of their likes with world class medical facilities and well trained personnel crying for help . To some Nigerians ,It is a time to play politics and religious cards instead of accepting the fact that we are been face with a disaster globally that is gradually reducing our population from over 7bn to an unknown number . I write not because it is the only choice for me for now to call the attention of many ignoramus who think locally and are acting globally .Many redundant who represent nothing with no real future to celebrate the


BAUCHI STATE COVID19 VOLUNTEER NETWORK KUNYI ABUN AYABAMUKU. Anawa tunanin acikn matasan jihar Bauchi Khalid Barau Ningi da sauran matasan Bauchi State Covid19 Volunteer Network sunyi namijin kokari bisa tunanin dasukayi na bada gudumowa ga al'umman jihar Bauchi kuma sun cancanci ayaba musu. Inakira ga sauran matasa dama al'umman jihar Bauchi gabadaya dasuyi kokari wajen bin duk ka'idojin karekai daga wannan annobar ta Covid19. Masu ganin abunda matasan sukeyi sunayine dawata manufa nadaban yakamata sugane idan baraka fadi alkairiba to kayi shiru, idan baraka iya bada naka gudumowanba na kayan iki ko na lokacinka dan wayer dakan al'umma to fa baikamata ka aibanta abunba ko kayi kushe dan karwasu su bada nasu gudumowanba nifa anawa karamin tunanin yin hakan bai daceba. Daga karshe musani wallahi irin wannan halin shiyasa bama cigaba wallahi matasa mune problem din kanmu idan kaga wani yayi abunda yasabama ra'ayinka ko bakacikin tafiyan shikenan sai yadawo ba

Ashraf Shehu Gabam: A letter to Her. Excellency Hajiya A'isha Muhammadu Buhari

Covig-19 Sensitization continues with kids joining the queue as little Ashraf Shehu Musa Gabam sending a letter to Her . Excellency Hajiya A'isha Muhammadu Buhari on the need to assist the needy through her office to provide them with food items and sanitizers . She finally prays for the nation and Nigerians to overcome this deadly virus that has shut down our schools and working places as well as on the verge of crippling the economic activities of the world . In brief interview with Ashraf who was in tears for two days said she has to mount pressure to her parents to please allow here read and send this source letter to the first lady after written the scripts herself .


Bauchi State Government today ordered for the closure of all schools across the state with effect from tomorrow Monday, the 23rd of this month as part measures against the spread of Lassa fever and Coronavirus in the state. The governor made this statement when he conveyed the meeting of stakeholders in Bauchi on Sunday . The State Governor, Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed announced this while addressing Newsmen on the outcome of the Stakeholders Engagement and Update Meeting held at the Council Chamber, Government House Bauchi. The governor said with the rampaging corona virus spreading, the  state government deemed its necessary to hold the stakeholders meeting with a view to ensure that the disease is kept out of the state. He noted that the stakeholders agreed that henceforth, restriction should be observed in all religious gatherings with not more than 50 people. " You can see we have a new style of leadership of governance in Bauchi State these are the natural le

Horse riding the pride of the ancient North: Bashir Lame .

Bashir Yakubu is the chief of staff to the Emir of Bauchi Alh. (Dr) Rilwanu Suleimanu Adamu and a decesdant of Late Sarkin of Bauchi . Lame a closed associate of the member federal house of Representatives Yakubu Shehu Abdullahi who also holds the title of Wakilin Birnin Bauchi said horse riding remains one of the great pillars that keep the culture of the North ancient Emirates dated back to days of caliphate alive where Bauchi Emirate is not an exception . He added that every weekend mostly Sundays you will sight us ridding horses in the Bauchi metropolis to showcase our rich culture that has been existence for years and he said horse ridding is one his hobby even when he was young . You know I grew up in the palace because my late grand father was a title holder in the Bauchi Emirate and the precious time we spent with him thought us many lessons on how to protect our rich cultural heritage


A man identified as Mr Samuel Yarling, has been reported to have died on his wedding day in Jos. It has been gathered that the deceased who was set to marry his heartthrob, Miss Helen Weze, gave up the ghost in the early hours of his wedding day. Man narrates story of his friend who died on his wedding day Read more: Speaking with a family member, he revealed that late Yarling was full of life before his untimely death. Adding that both the late groom and he had gone to pick his wedding suit at his sister’s house at about 12 am and while there he fell on the ground and had a slight bruise on his head. He said that his bruise was treated at a nearby patent medicine store while they left for their guest house where they could pass the night. Recounting further, the source said that after about an hour of their arrival at the guest house the late Yarling began to vomit uncontrollably. He said that it made him call for help and he was rushed to Bingham University Teaching Hospital fo

Covig-19: Sensitization vedio clip from Aliyah Gabam

This short video clip is coming from a Aaliyah Shehu Gabam as part of her contribution to sensitize the general public on the most pronounced Covig-19 . It is an advised that has cought the ear of all Nigerians and precaution they said is better than cure . May Almighty Allah save us from this Pandemic Ameen.

Breaking news : Jaafar Jaafar loses Mother

The Nigerian and Kano born veterant Journalist Jaafar Jaafar who is the founder and publisher of an online magazine daily Nigerian has lost his mother today. The Journalist was qouted in his daily Nigerian an online magazine saying; Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihir raji’un. I lost my mother today. Janaza to be held now at Sabon Titi, Kwanar Gidan Kankara. The management of Tildetimes sympathized with the veterant Journalist and his family over this irreplaceable lost .May Almighty Allah grant her Jannatul Firdausi Ameen. Isa Abdullahi Musa. Editor in- chief .

Our Late father was everything to us: Shehu Musa Gabam

It is exactly 40 days since the demised of our beloved father Late Ardo Yamusa Abdullahi and we will forever continue to miss your presence as well as your fatherly advice as a father and grand father who during your lifetime gave it all for us to conquered our dreams . As Muslims faithfuls,we believe that all souls must taste death but your memories are still fresh in our hearts for standing with us during your lifetime . We shall continue to pray for you and exhibits your good moral values that made you different and unique among many of your likeminds . You have left behind a vacuum that is very difficult to fill in the family and in extension the community of Tilden Fulani for standing with equity , fairness and Justice for all and sundry .May Almighty Allah grant you Jannatul Firdausi Ameen.


The situation around the world and Nigeria inclusive is no longer news on how fast the deadly Corona virus is spreading with Nigeria having 23 cases including the recent outbreak from Ondo State . This is indeed a trial moment for all of us not just in Nigeria but the world at a glance . The covig-19 has so far shut down almost all economic activities in the world with millions loosing their jobs on daily basis .As Nigerians that came together since 1914 and became an independent nation 59 years ago we should have been more like a twins instead of perceived enemies that we have become but today we have seen a national collaboration in dealing with this disaster . This should be how we can come under the same umbrella in tackling our narionat problems without giving much regards to our regions, tribes and religion . The border closure due to this disease is the only choice we have and I am much glad that Mr President has taken all necessary measures to ensure drastical reduction in th

Northern Youths Assembly Speaker survives an accident.

Breaking news. The speaker of the Northern Youths Assembly of Nigeria Ukasha Ukkasha Hamza Rahama has survived an accident resulted from his 406 salon tyre burst . The speaker is in fast recovering from the accident . The speaker could not be reach at the time of this reports as his lines were swift off though close associates said he is in sound condition. Details later.
BREAKING: 3 persons test positive for coronavirus in Abuja …READ STORY:
*IS THE 3RD WORLD WAR HERE ALREADY?* China tried to give USA a run for her money. USA was not happy, she felt threatened because of China's rapid economic growth & rising influence in the world, especially in Asia which has the highest population proportion as compared to other continents. In retaliation, USA fueled chaos in Hong Kong, but terribly failed as China managed to control the situation, prompting think of USA to think of another method. Fearing the consequences of escalation & possibility of military action, the USA contemplated a covert strategy that would be used to destabilize China & Iran which seemed to be working on becoming a great influence in the Middle East, hence diverting the attempts to overthrow USA as the world economic super power, or give Russians an advantage. The CIA revisited its laboratories & came up with a perfect solution (so they thought)  which was accepted by the US security Council, since they had a vaccine for the or
FG reduces petrol pump price from N145 to N126
Covig-19 : The need for urgent measures. The federal government of Nigeria as a matter of urgency need to take active and proactive measures to reduce the spread of the deadly disease called Corona virus in Nigeria. The banning and enforcement of travel ban as well as banning all flights from the countries suffering from this deadly disease is of great importance . The news that another five news cases has been confirmed in Nigeria is saddened and hence the need to take urgent action to curtail the widely speads of this virus that has killed thousands across the globe. The sad news about the five new cases is that the new confirmed cases came through the land borders though government sources are yet to officially make pronouncement on the incident .
Corona virus: FG confirmed five new cases . The federal government of Nigeria has confirmed five new cases of Covig-19 as at Tuesday morning 18th March,2020 . Details later