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Lt.Gen. Faruk Yahaya @56: Celebrating Another Unsung hero in the Nigerian Military ,By: Alh. Hussaini Bokane Bokane.

As Nigerians sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men led by a lion born 56 years ago in Sifawa ,Bodinga Local Government of Sokoto Sate was born and today he stand ready to do violence on the nation behalf. Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya is a graduate of the Nigerian Defence Academy, Armed Forces Command and Staff College, and Nigerian Army School of Infantry. He commenced officer cadet training on 27 September 1985 and was commissioned into the Nigerian Army Corp of Infantry as a Second Lieutenant on 27 December 1990. [6] He holds a master's degree in International Affairs and Diplomacy.

Alexander the Great is regarded the best Army General in his own time and to us here in Nigeria it is Lt. Gen. Faruk that is defined by this virtures having gave it all for his country to survive. He (Alexander the Great) once said that,He is not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep but he is afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. Nigeria has been battling with insecurity challenges for quite sometime ranging from the Boko Haram Insurgency, Bandits and kidnapping for ransom, Farmers and Herders conflicts and the secessionist among to many of its kind but there is significant reduction in the carnages since Lt. Gen. Faruk took over.

The celebrant has attended all the relevant courses commensurate to his career which include, Young Officers Course, Infantry, Company Commanders Course, Infantry and Commanding Officers Course. He also attended Junior Staff Course, Senior Staff Course and National Defence College amongst other, as well as several workshops and Seminars. It was the reason why President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR took it Upon himself been him a Rtd. Military General to scrutinized the rich CV of Lt. Gen. Faruk and named Chief of Army Staff. 

The Chief of Army Staff has held several appointments within the military hirachy which singled him as the most competent and experience Military Officer to dealt ruthlessly with the increasing Presence of rigorous armed men in the country.He held several appointments including Command, Staff and Instructional. Notable amongst them are Guards Brigade Garrison Commander, Directing Staff at the Armed Forces Command and Staff College (AFCSC), Deputy Director Army Headquarters Department of Military Secretary, Deputy Director Army Research and Development and Chief of Staff, Headquarters Joint Task Force Operation PULO SHIELD.

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) has served as the Principal General Staff Officer (PGSO) to Honourable Minister of Defence, Commander, 4 Brigade and 29 Task Force Brigade (Operation ZAMAN LAFIYA). He was also Director Manpower at the Army Headquarter, Military Secretary Army Headquarters and General Officer Commanding (GOC) 1 Division of the Nigerian Army. Most recently, He was the Theatre Commander Operation HADIN KAI, responsible for Counter Terrorism and Counter Insurgency operations in North East Nigeria.The people of the North East region and the country at large always raise their hands to clap in tears when his name is mention for his outstanding sacrifices in protecting the territorial integrity of Nigeria.

The nation will forever remain greatful to President Muhammadu Buhari for appointing not just a Professional of gun battle and field battle but for placing competency ahead of all other considerations to replaced Late Lt. Gen. Attahiru with another thorouwbred Military Officer that is currently keeping the mindless groups to their knees. He is indeed an arbiter, a bridge-builder and an Iroko tree who reconcile, promote and provide solace to the the Nigerian people. 

In Lt.Gen. Faruk Yahaya, Nigeria are blessed with a beggoten son and  a three-in-one of such invaluable personalities.Taking a swipe on him is like hurting the exemplary image of the nation greatest Generals who fought battles of high Magnitude to keep this country including the current Nigerian President who made this finest choice of the decades. Evidently, no legitimate son or daughter of Nigeria will, in their right senses, drag such names through the mud-that would be an abomination of the highest order.

The most unique factor that make Lt. General Faruk Yahaya most exceptional is his ability to blend the kinetic prowess of the nation military with the ability of winning the hearts and minds of the people. Sun Tzu the Chinese General, military strategist and philosopher who described a successful commander as that who is ruthless in the field of operation yet meek at heart with members of the community where he was deployed.The Chief of Army Staff having served as a theatre Commander in the North East has 
mastered that military leadership skill and today more successes are recorded in the nation counter fight against Insurgency and Banditry in Northern Nigeria. 

While in the North East region, Yahaya has streaks of conquests over Boko Haram terrorists whose greatest wish had always been to bring down the entire North East done to its knees.His Distinguished career in the military is very much known to the Nigerian people particularly Communities that were under Security sieged prior to his appointment as the Chief of Army Staff. Time and pages of newspapers will not be enough to accommodate Yahaya's  pragmatism , achievements and formidable leadership traits. He has dedicated his life displaying of hard work, dedication and commitment in the discharge of his duties since his commissioning into the Nigerian Army.

We are celebrating his birthday today not as praise singers but as living withness of his glaring achievements in the military. Yahaya holds several honours and awards, some of which include, Nigerian Army Medal, Grand Service Star, Passed staff course Dagger, National Defence College (Chile), Field Command Medal of Honour, General Staff Medal of Honour and several other numerous medals, honours and awards. He is happily married and blessed with children. 

In Conclusion, Remember since joining the Nigerian Army ,You have never lived until you have  almost died and for those who choose to fight for over 200 million Nigerians to go bed with their eyes close. I am assuring that life has offer you the  Special flavor because the protected will never Know. Happiest birthday to the savior of the nation.

MD/CEO Lantech Solutions Nigeria Limited.
Writes from Abuja, Nigeria.


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