Sunday 11th October, 2020.


You are very much aware that there is no development in any nation, State or organization without peace and free crime in the society.We also have the believe that security personnel played a very 
vital role in every society towards ensuring crime free society through safeguarding their lives and properties.

It is a fact that Nigeria Police Force have a constitutional role to play in every society in the country, just like the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria provides the freedom of speech, freedom 
of movement etc.We have the believe that the decision of the force to establish 
special anti robbery squad was done in good faith to check mate the Illegal activities of kidnapping, banditry and armed robbery cases in the society following the rampant cases of the harassment and lose of valuable items to the men of the underworld. However, some men of the Nigeria Police Force have turned the establishment of SARS in
every angle and corners of the country to avenue of harassment and intimidation which generated outcry in some quarters.

Therefore, the recent decision of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to banned FSARS, STS AND IRT from routine patrol on the streets. As well as the decision of the IGF to banned personnel of FSARS to embark on patrol or tactics assignment in mufti, in addition that they must appear in their police uniforms or 
approved tactical gear while on official assignment, can be seen as a good step in the right direction in his effort to ensure professional outlook to the Nigerian Police. 

We in our organization, we strongly kicked against anyhumiliation, harassment or intimidation by any security personnel 
instead to follow the laid down rules of apprehending and prosecuting 
of any suspect as practice in some develop nation. However, we are 
totally against the scrapping of SARS but instead we are in support of reforming the FSARS to enable them operate in a professional manners where good citizens will appreciate them more.Scraping or ending the operation of FSARS in the country may not provide lasting solution to criminal activities, instead it may 
provide the chance for criminal to return to the streets and continuetheir illegal operation. Rather than calling for the scrapping of SARS, let us all joint hands to support the reforming of SARS for optimum performance without violating human right of any individual include 
the suspects.

We are also in support prosecuting any security personnel who violates fundamental human right of any suspects to serve as deterrent to others. Also the decision of the present IGP to ordered that henceforth, CP in charge of FSARS, CPS in charge of State Commands, and FCT 
as well as their supervisory zonal AIGs will be held liable for misconduct of personnel of FSARS and others within their 
jurisdiction as a welcome development all aimed at checkmating the illegal activities of FSARS. 

Therefore, we are calling on the IGP instead of doing away with 
the operation of FSARS let us support the reformation of the unit to provide better services to Nigerians. Scrapping SARS will never be a final solution to the police or Nigerians at the time when cases of 
social vices and criminality are in the increase but we support total reformation of SARs in the country.

Rt. Hon Ukkasha Hamza Rahama GCNY
National Speaker NYAN.
     Rt.Rahama ,National Speaker, NYAN.


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