Eng. Ishaq Dabo Magana

The famous world politician and former American President of blessed memory once said that "Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future". This quotes reflects truly the direction at which our country is going considering numerous challenges confronting the nation .

The major problem facing the nation is lack of leadership which has failed constantly to create a space for the country to grow .Lack of quality representation has left the citizens hanging in jeopardy without hope that tomorrow will better than today . America and other first countries of the world are able to grow their nations massive infrastructures because of the commitment of leadership despite passing through same challenges of which Nigeria is dancing on .Our situation seem deteriorating due to failure of leadership to provide an enabling environment for business to flourish to create millions of Jobs .

John C. Maxwell once said ,A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way and Nigeria is blessed with reliable people that are a very rich in governance policies and programs that are practicable and are sustainable .Toro local government in Bauchi State has been a victim of misruled for decades ranging from Chairmen that are short of ideas to champion the course of setting the council on the right pedestrian bridge of success for the unborn generations to strives .

Toro/Juma'a in particular has been one of the most neglected constituencies in the entire Bauchi State and this is because all previous legislators has in one way or the other failed to act as representatives of the people .This terrain has been on course for quite some time until the launched of Eng. Ishaq Dabo foundation managed, owned and been financed by Eng Ishaq Dabo . A young man and very noble chap who within this short period of its establishment numerous programs has been successfully executed within Toro/Jama'a . This foundation has among to many to mention sponsored a number of individuals mostly vulnerable women ,widows ,orphans and youths to become self sufficient .

These foundation has assisted many young chaps through scholarship mostly programs and school financing .It has as well secured admission for a number of youths who will no distance time becomes an asset instead of nuisance to the constituency ,the local government, the state and the nation at large. The foundation has also changed the fortunes of many young people from an old narration of job seekers to employers of labour . Widows who's faith of becoming like their fellow women make things happens has been revived through so many empowerment programs led Eng. Ishaq Dabo foundation.

On this note ,The time to revive the lost hope and lost glory of Toro/Jama'a is now in the hands of all us who for over the years Hardy see nor perceive any meaningful development .It is an opportunity for us once again to fight neck to neck our perceive and known political  enemies who have been ruin the future of our unborn generations . The Era of sak daga sama har kasa is death and buried .The era of guguwa and godfatherism has been buried as Edo has set a paste and we shall all follow in our subsequent elections. 

The time is to liberate our constituency is now and Toro youths under the auspices of Toro/Jama'a youths for change initiative are leading the liberation of an advocacy of freedom from our political captives. I am glad that youths are beginning to think outside the box of our tribes ,religion and ethnic divides that kept us far away from the road to our destiny. We shall soon later this year launch a very formidable movement that capture the mindset of the long challenges facing the our constituency. Our main target are aim at changing the narratives and to support within our context the actualization of Eng. Ishaq Dabo as member Representing Toro/Jama'a come 2023.

We should think of the down and we should think of a better Toro/Jama'a with a philanthropist Eng. Ishaq Dabo as our representatives in our constituency .The journey to a better democratic society has been finally unveil.

Comr. Abubakar Garba

Is a political and public analyst from Magama-Gumau .


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