Amana (Zannan Gindiri) celebrates with Mangu North East as Nigeria clocks 62.

Today,Nigeria is celebrating her independence with mix feelings and reactions.It is calling for reburst approach to the current challenges bedevilling our dear country and our constituency Mangu North East in particular. 

Alhamdulillah,This accord us the opportunity to once again pray and appreciates the Almighty Allah for his endless blessings to the people of Nigeria.It may be difficult for some us but yet we have the course to advance our dream of achieving a greater Nigeria that works for all economically,Socially,educationally and politically through prayers and accountable political leadership.

The journey may not be an easy one but yet we have to glorify our creator for making it posible to go this far.Everything we are today  is because of Nigeria and we owed the country a deep gratitude.It is for this singular reason guided by patriotism and love for one Nigerian that we joined active politics to contribute in building a prosperous nation. 

However,the challenges are enormous and the future seem hopeless for millions of the country men and women but our firm believe  in the Nigerian Project are the reasons why we never loose hope that the country will flourish again.Despite the myriad challenges of Insecurity,Collapsed Economy,Increasing Inflation rates,fallen of the Standard of Education and political corruption,We shall never loose hope that we shall raise again. 
Nigeria is a country of diversity with rich cultural heritage and the service to salvage the future must be a collective one irrespective of our tribal,regional,religion and political identities especially as we head towards the 2023 general elections.The elections period is an opportunity for us to stands strong and take active decisions to lay the foundations for an emerging new Nigeria through visionary leadership and it has to start with us in Mangu North East Constituency. 

Our founding fathers fought and died to ensure Nigeria lives for us to benifit and we must emulate same for the next generations yet unborn to survive.We are here, sending a message of hope to the Nigerian People as a reformist political party the YPP. The decision to present myself before as a 
Candidate of YYP to represents us in the Plateau State House of Assembly is not personal but it is anchored on the message of hope and my desire to contributes my own qouter in changing the political narratives.

This is great task before us and a great sacrifices we owed ourselves as the people of this constituency believing that if given the opportunity to serve as Member Representing Mangu North East Constituency in Plateau House of Assembly,We shall be accountable,Focus and transparent in ensuring that the primary reasons of been entrusted with power and not compromise Insha'Allah.

I celebrates with you and your family on this auspicious occasions and once again Congratulations on behalf of my humble self and family. 

Tijjani Mohammed Amana (Zannan Gindiri)
YPP Candidate For Mangu North East. 


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