APC Primaries,A raped of democracy in Taraba State. Ambassador Dauda.

From:Musa Abdullahi 

The APC National Former Students Leaders Forum have in strong term condemned what they describe as "a rape and insult to democracy" in Taraba State.
Speaking to news Men on Tuesday in Abuja after their emergency meeting, the National Chairman of the forum Dauda Mathias worried on why some few element would want to destroy the party for their selfish interest.

You may recall that Taraba State is one of the States where APC primary elections didn't take place but only to discover that some Aspirant's name where submitted to INEC.

The Forum however expressed confidence on the Abdullahi Adamu led NWC insisting that they are men and women of integrity and strong character that would not endorsed undemocratic tendencies.

The Communique read:


The beauty of democracy anywhere in the world is the fact that it gives the citizenry the ample opportunity to decide their destinies by participating in the affairs of governance according to her tenents and chater.
Democracy doesn't only gives the people the allowances to participate  but it also provide the people with the best platform to elect or select who should represent them through political parties.
Political parties in a matured democratic nation like Nigeria and under the Leadership of civilized Democrats like President Mohammadu Buhari and Sen Abdullahi Adamu is to provide a civilize mode of democratic conduct and platform for the emergence of credible and competent Candidates aspiring to represent the people. Democracy suggests that only the people in a democratic manner reserve the right to elect or select who, where, why and when they should be represented. In the word of our National Chairman Sen Abdullahi Adamu he said" *Democracy with all it seductive promises, provide no magic formula for economy and political developments.* *We must therefore remain the captains of our ships" (Sen* Adamu 2005).  This is true, because the best form of leadership is that which is truly chosen by the people and not by imposition.
The whole world are aware how in 2015 for the first time in the African continent an opposition party defeated a sitting government in a democratic process in Nigeria where His Excellency President Mohammadu Buhari was democratically elected.
In 2007, history was also made in Edo State where APC for the first time defeated the ruling People's Democratic Party, the PDP.
We all saw the manner, in which our party elected her National Working Committee (NWC) on march 26, 2022 where His Excellency the Bridge Builder Sen Abdullahi Adamu and others where elected in a most democratic order.

Our dear party the All Progressive Congress from the onset is seen and perceived as a truly democratic party because of her respect and believe to democratic process and rule of law. 
Our Party has attracted the love and favor of all Nigerians because it is the only political party in the history of Nigerian political evolution that has the interest of all.
Fortunately also, we have some of the best and fine Democrats at the helm of affairs. It is in the Nigerian political history for all to see, how President Mohammadu Buhari, Sen Abdullahi Adamu, His Excellency Sen Ahmed Bola Tinubu and many of our Party Men and Women fought for the return and sustenance of democracy in Nigeria. This is the rich history of our party and so therefore, any attempt or attempted attempt by any group of persons no matter how highly place they may be, that wants to destroyed our party's image and drag the names of our Leaders to the mud must be resisted as a matter of loyalty to our party and Leaders.
A situation where few individuals who knows nothing about the democratic history of our party and the principles of democracy but have taken the 2022  primary of our party to cause serious injury to our corporate existence can not be accepted. We have been in this party for awhile now and have diligently followed our Leaders very closely. We can tell that the APC and her Leaders are not like every other Political Parties which imposition of Candidates is in their DNA. APC is different. And for everyone that wants to be part of us, must be ready to accept our way of life.

It is in the light of the above that the APC National Former Students Leaders Forum frown at the act of shame and charades in Taraba State where no single election was conducted but power mongers who would do everything possible to remain politically relevance even at the detriment of our party are presently parading themselves as APC Candidates from Taraba State.
In fact, the most monumental act of shame and political charade was that of the  Senatorial elections where non of the Members of the election Committee was on ground to conduct election talk more of announcing a Winner but presently, some enemies of our party is presently parading themselves as  Senatorial Candidates. What a shame. If it were in a developed nations, everyone that was involved in the electoral corruption should have been behind bars for impersonating our party, disgracing and trying to destroy the hard earned reputation of our great party. 

Videos of how some of these people ridiculed our great party before the international communities and other Political Parties in the name of primary elections are going viral and is causing serious injury and setback to our party. Nigerians must be aware that these people have never been part of us. In fact, we suspect that most of them are agents send to destroy our party.
Unless something drastic and intentional is done to reverse the negative tune and impression that l gangsters have caused our party, it will not augur well to the party's drive to win election in Taraba State and in Nigeria at large because according to Martin Luther king Jr he said " *injustice anywhere is a thread to justice everywhere* ". Also we the APC National Former Students Leaders Forum believes that " *an injury to one anywhere, is an injury to all everywhere".* 


1. The National Leadership of our Party should  not only stop anyone from parading his or herself as Candidates of our party from Taraba State where no election was held, but  also be expelled as a Member of our great party because they are not a worthy Ambassador of our great party and President Mohammadu Buhari. Their parading themselves as Winners of primaries election that never took place is not only sending a bad signal to the people but is indeed, driving a lot of our party members into joining other Political Parties

2. The National Leadership of our party should kindly arrange for a new date for the conduct of APC primaries in Taraba State

3. All Aspirants should be invited by the National Organizing Secretary of our party to agree on the modalities for the conduct of primary election


We hereby demand an immediate apologies from all the Aspirants whose conduct is prone to tarnishing the image of party. They have hijacked and raped our democracy in Taraba State, they have misled and misinformed the National Working Committee of our party thereby portraying our great party and NCW in bad light.
We believe that all the NWC of our party are Distinguished Honorable Men are Women of character and integrity and therefore would not be found endorsing illegality.


The All Progressive Congress remains our only hope. Others may come because of what they will get and eventually destroy our party, but we remain loyal and committed.

We wish to appreciate our dear President Mohammadu Buhari for his developmental milestones.
We wish to pass a vote of confidence on the Abdullahi Adamu led NWC of our party,
We wish to congratulate His Excellency Sen Ahmed Bola Tinubu for his victory as our Presidential Candidate and all those who came out victoriously at the just concluded primaries of our party.


Dauda Mathias,

APC National Former Students Leaders Forum

Comrade Yahaya Abdullahi

National Secretary


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