Why Professor Pate is the only option after Professor Bogoro.By: HON. HAMZA AHMAD BELLO

Tertiary Education Trust Fund, abbreviated as TETFUND, is a scheme established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2011 to disburse, manage, and monitor education tax to government-owned tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
The scheme was formed as a product of the Education Tax Act of 1993. This Act repeals the Education Tax Act Cap. E4, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and Education Tax Fund Act No. 17, 2003 and establishes the Tertiary Education Trust Fund charged with the responsibility for imposing, managing and disbursing the tax to public tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Prior to the establishment of the scheme in 2011, government-owned tertiary institutions were poorly funded.The scheme was designed to improve on the managements of funds disbursed to these institutions.

It was originally established as Education Trust Fund (ETF) by the Act No 7 of 1993 as amended by Act No 40 of 1998 (now repealed and replaced with Tertiary Education Trust Fund Act 2011). It is an intervention agency set up to provide supplementary support to all level of public tertiary institutions with the main objective of using funding alongside project management for the rehabilitation, restoration and consolidation of Tertiary Education in Nigeria. The main source of income available to the Fund is the two percent education tax paid from the assessable profit of companies registered in Nigeria. The Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS) assesses collects the tax on behalf of the Fund. The funds are disbursed for the general improvement of education in federal and state tertiary educations specifically for the provision or maintenance of:

The current Executive Secretary has done well in reviving the said Scheme in the last five years and with his tenure coming to an end hence the need to consider Appointing a very hard working academician,an eminent scholar, a communication guru and an inspirational writer, a decisive commentator on national and international issues and  an astute journalist Professor Umaru  Pate born 57 years ago in was born Adamawa state.

 Professor Pate had his early secondary school education at Government College Maiduguri and advanced level studies at the College of Preliminary Studies in Yola. He had his first degree in Mass Communication at the University of Maidugury, Borno State, after which he left for the University of Ghana Legon on fellowship of Master of Philosophy (M.phil) Degree in Communication studies which he completed in 1990. He enrolled for a Ph.D at the University of Maiduguri in 1993 and graduated in February 1997.

Professor Pate took appointment as a graduate assistant at the University of Maiduguri in October 1988 and immediately left for the University of Ghana Legon on fellowship of Master of Philosophy (M.phil) Degree in Communication studies which he completed in 1990. Before joining the teaching profession he had worked as a broadcast journalist, making hi mark in the industry within his brief sojourn in the industry. He became a Professor of Media and Society in October 20, 2007.

After a stint at the University of Maiduguri, as head of department, Prof. Pate moved to Bayero University, Kano, where he first assumed role as dean of the communication school, transforming the programme exponentially and placing it at the peak of national recognition. He was later made the pioneer Dean of the post-graduate school, Bayero, from where he was appointed Vice Chancellor of Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State, in December 2020.

He is  a man of humanity who dedicated all his life in serving humanity,a Re-known global scholar in the field of communication and international relationship,He is among the best who sourced foreign Grand to their institution, He introduced and established Radio station in BUK kano state, now in Federal University of kashere Gombe State
Professor Pate is also editorial advisor to more than ten communication journals in and out of Nigeria.

He is among who established their leadership style base on law and order, A man who stick to truth and honesty in all corse and Currently the vice Chancellor of Federal University of Kashere, Gombe state. He has spent over 50 years building his image and reputation through Service to humanity and the nation at large. His contributions to nation building earned him the most celebrated and exolted traditional title of kaigaman Adamawa.
This one of the distinguished academicians with tank of knowledge and experience to move TETFUND forward and make it flourish again to meet its core mandate on why it was established.

An advocate for Good Governance/Public Affairs Commentator.
Writes from Gombe State.


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