Jagaban Kontagora: The young Man who changed the narratives in Niger State.

By: M.M Mahmud

Politics, Government and Governance in Nigeria is incomplete without mentioning Niger State in our national archives because of its rationality in the process of selecting of those they want to put in the position of authority. The State that has produced two Former Head of State ,The intelligent Maradona General Ibrahim Babangida and the peace builder General Abdulsalam Abubakar.Niger State is the first to distroyed Political godfatherism in the entire Political arena of Nigeria and subsequently paved way for clean electoral process when the Electorates fought the high and mighty to re-elect Hon.Abdullahi Idris Garba for the record of fourth term in office as Member Representating the good people of Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu Federal Constituency.

Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu Federal Constituency has since 1999 remain of the deciding factor on who may emerge as Governor of Niger State because of their voting Population. This is man who has made his intention to vie for the seat of the Federal House of Representatives as a result of numerous demands of the citizenry who felt have been short change of countless opportunities and good governance. It is for the first time that dividends of democracy has started floating Niger State through Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu Federal Constituency courtesy of AIG (Mai Solar ) .He has invested in the areas of  health, Education, Agriculture , Empowerment, employment opportunities and portable drinking water outside power.

Transformational leadership theory is used in this article to explain the relationship between political achievement and leadership style of the Nigerian political class who’s actions and inactions in governance has direct bearings on our societal and environmental decadence. Bass and Alvolio’s transformational leadership model is used in this context to demonstrate the yet to be identified leadership potentials of Abdullahi Idris Garba ,a man who have written his name bold and painted it in the wall of all and sundry that comes across him. It is a worthy of note that today ,one may authoritatively say that a leader was born on September 6, 1975 in Niger State from Kontagora Local Government Area.

Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu Federal Constituency today has become a reference point in leadership and Governance in Nigeria.This affirmative mentioned theory is very true but yet in most cases the Electorates has equally been identified as the architects of their own problems. Anyone one that knows the very efforts made by AIG in making life more meaningful to his constituents and the readers will agreed and believes in this submission. Hon.Abdullahi exceptional transformational leadership styles has motivated others to achieve more than what is originally expected of them through creation of  a political space conducive enough for the Youths to flourish in his constituency.

Abdullahi Idris Garba has made thousands Self sufficient and employers of labour through his humanitarian services through communities engagements and priorities in Empowerment and employment creation.His programs of youths and women empowerment have created thousands of employment to youths and women who are trained and empowered through numerous skills acquisition programs in the Constituency. It was as a result of his leadership of positive impact to his people that the people voices is now on the increase that AIG should run for Senate come 2023 while to many he is equally very competent to rule the State and Nigeria at large.

Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu Federal Constituency has indeed was more of a crying chickens rolling on the dry sand without direction with their mouths widely open waiting for who to give them water.This is because as population increase the number of graduates are equally on the raise and it is only good representation that can reduce the demands of the Constituents to a bearest minimum. The emergence of AIG in the Political limelight gave the an impression of hope that this Law maker has shouldered the problems of his constituents on his head since assuming power as member.He has consistently maintain a very cordial relationship with the people of his communities and federal constituency with and without power which spoke in high volume his love and admiration for his people. This is man who has constructed a number of Health centres and blocks of class rooms as well as befitting Mosques in all the nooks and cronies of Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu federal constituency.

The Journey of making Kontagora/Wushishi/Mariga/Mashegu federal constituency a home for all where emphasis will be on the number of young graduates gaining employment opportunities in different federal ministries, Departments and agencies is started with the advent of AIG as federal law maker and this is what should be sustain at cost.We shall ensure that people who are share the pains at the sametime their joy will be given high priority deveot of their tribes and religion.He has installed functional solar power street lights and solar power boreholes,He has empowered quite a number of people particularly women and youths with trycicles , motorcycles , sewing machines,granding machines,cars and many empowerment equipments aimed at making his people job creators instead of Job seakers.

His unique attributes of saying little and achieving  much and his attitudes towards the people and his wide acceptability has been on the increase.Many have interacted with him both in the state and local levels ended up pencilling him always as material urgently needed to fix the overswellling Political landscape in Niger State and Nigeria in general particularly now that insecurity is the focal point of discussion. His good morals, quality leadership and family values have made him as an exceptional personality and a leader of the current generations.A grass root politician, a community leader and friend to all.His respect for traditional institutions earned him “JAGAGAN KONTAGORA” the traditional title from  by His Royal Highness, Alhaji Saidu Namaska (CON) bestowed on illustrious  sons of the soil who worked and has done remarkably well in community development. 

His advocacy and stands for a united Nigeria when he served as Vice-Chairman at Agricultural Colleges and Institutions Committee (Reps) from June 2015 to May 2019,Chairman at Population Committee (Reps) until May 2015,Committee Member at Aviation Committee (Reps) until May 2015,Committee Member at Marine Safety, Education & Administration Committee (Reps) until May 2015 and Chairman at Federal Capital Territory (Reps) from July 2019 till date is well documented in the mind of right thinking sons and daughters of the soil who adhere to the principles of nation building through peace initiatives that left the likes of Sardaunas ,Tafawa Balewas ,J.S .Tsarka ,Kashim Ibrahim ,Ziks , Awolowos among other notable leaders of the first republic that spent their entire life time in service to humanity. He has been a pillar and symbol of hope to many less fortunate, young generations and victims of our societal social vices.

His vibrant conversations on issues is centered around bringing his people together to eschew divisive tendencies of  ethnic, tribal, religion, regional and political divides. His endowed nature of speaking extensively on a number of topical national issues in the State has won him numerous awards of excellence from religious, regional, political, youths and students groups and associations in Kontagora, Niger State  and Nigeria as a whole.This is the true picture of the man Hon.Abdullahi Idris Garba (Jagaban Kontagora) that the Youths of Niger State and Nigeria are waiting for to set Nigeria on the good precedence of good Leadership as 2023 General elections draws need.

M.M Mahmud,
A Political analyst and social media commentator writes from Jos , Plateau State.


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