Khalid Barau Ningi

On behalf of the myself,friends and family, I extend my warmest greetings and congratulates you on your appointment as the Senior Special Assistant to HE. the Executive Governor of Bauchi State Sen. Bala Mohammed con on Empowerment .

All my life, I have stood for peace ,justice, fair play and youths inclusiveness in governance and you are among our strongest partners in Bauchi State and Nigeria at large who stood for the same course in the past .As I congratulates you ,I urge you to sustain tempo of advocacy of good governance while in government as the SSA empowerment.

Remember on this note , We are allies in the global battle against youths reactiveness ,youths participation in governance and youths inclusion in peace building and glad I am is that Mr Governor has chosen to appoint you to assist the government in ensuring that the youths of Bauchi state  become self sufficient and productive ,employers of labours instead of job seekers as SSA empowerment in the next three years .

I strongly believes that you are equal to the task and Insha'Allah this will serve as one of the best if not the best of appointments in the history of Bauchi state as a whole since the returns of democracy in 1999 .The youths will certainly be counting on you and now they are awaiting to see how  your office will impact positively on their lives in no distance time .Your previous experience in service to the youths speak more your credibility to handle very well your new office as SSA empowerment .

On our parts ,You have our support and prayers as you take this giant step and remember once again that you have at your disposal to widen your political journey as this is just the starting point not the limit . Once again congratulations and the journey to the peak has just been unveiled.


  1. May Allah Make This Appointment beneficial to the Youth in Bauchi State and Entire Humanity. Ameen.


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