From Honourable Barrister Solomon Dalung.

Assalamalaikum warahmatul Allah wa barkatu ammah ba'ad. May the love of Allah the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful order the steps of the faithful into rightful guidance as we commemorate Eidel -fitir of this year.

Muslims globally celebrate eid el fitr marking the end of the month of Ramadan. As friend and brother, alhul kitaab, I join the Muslim Ummah on this day of abundant blessings.

Islam is founded on peace, no wonder all pleasantries commenced with assalamalaikum. Islam is a religion of compassion as exemplified in the life and times of Holy Prophet Muhammad, Pbuh. The
selfless sacrifices of trusted Companions, Abubakar, Umar, Ali, Uthman alongside other guided Companions attested to these facts that humanity is cardinal to Islam.

On an occasion like this, it is imperative to reflect on these virtues to keep us within rightful guidance. It is not debatable that Islam is based on knowledge because the first revelation to the Holy Messenger is instructive, "read in the name of your God who created all things". Subsequently, the Hadith enjoined Muslims to “search for knowledge as far as Sigh". Therefore can any one be a Muslim without knowledge? I think it will be a dangerous assumption. The bane of political Islam is half knowledge coupled with self pride motivated by self-seeking desires.

Humility and submission to the supreme will of God is being substituted with desire for material accumulation. This pathetic situation accounts for rising profile of extremism in contemporary Islam. Knowledge deficit of what Islam represents is one factor that creates phobia amongst Christians and other non Muslims. Today, Islam is misconstrued by many as synonymous with violent extremism. This negative perception has created hatred amongst people, with politicians in Nigeria exploiting it for selfish ambitions. Collectively, we must reject these pervasive orientations that perpetually kept us divided. I hereby challenge Muslim faithfuls to reposes their religion from the captivity of violent elements. Muslims should distinguish themselves from acts that cannot be reconciled with the life and times of the Holy Messnger.

Advocates of violence in modern Islam should carry us along by conviction. Is there compulsion in religion? Or is there another new revelation which mandates Muslims to compel people to join Islam? "There is no compulsion in religion, it's a matter of conviction" Therefore, I find it incredible to accept intolerance as part of Islam or has the contents of Covenant of St. Catherine changed? Christians were protected under the leadership of the Holy Prophet, so why will anybody kill them today in the name of jihad? All those who are engaged in such evil practices to my mind are political muslims but certainly not followers of the Man of peace, Muhammad Ibin Abdullah, pbuh.

I join Muslims to celebrate eid el fitr and enjoin all to return to the true teaching of the Holy Quran and Hadith. As you celebrate, remember to discharge the burden of members of your community.

May peace and love flourish amongst Nigerians as we navigate to the promise land under the leadership of the man of destiny, Mr. “I belong to everybody and belong to nobody”.

I love you all.

Eid Mubarak.


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