Dalung calls for drastic measures to develop Africa.

They said, “Come, let’s build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves so that we won’t be dispersed over all the earth.” Genesis‬ ‭11:4‬ ‭CEB‬‬

The early human community was united by one language, their unity of purpose created conflict between them and the Creator. Adam and Eve were were initially expelled from the Garden of Eden for disobeying God’s command. Subsequently, humanity started multiplying to take dominion of the earth in accordance to the will of God.

This was the origin of development of human community. When man increased in population, he embarked on and adventure which resulted into unwholesome relationships with the Creator,  but the focus will be to examine the determination of early human community resulted into division of languages. “And the LORD said, “There is now one people and they all have one language. This is what they have begun to do, and now all that they plan to do will be possible for them.” Genesis‬ ‭11:6‬‬‬.

What seems to have provoked God was not only the the unity of purpose but self seeking pride and ego exhibited, when “They said, “Come, let’s build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves so that we won’t be dispersed over all the earth.””
Consequently, God descended, caused confusion amongst them by introducing different languages. The ambitious was not only abandoned but they were scattered into multi ethnic and culturally diverse human communities. This is the point we are now, but has man realized the consequences of these historical misadventures and sought to differ? This will be what we will attempt to consider.

The amazing advancement recorded in science, technology, philosophy and humanities is monumental, with every moments witnessing increase in knowledge, inventions and innovations. The rate at which the human mind moves faster is unrivaled, because there is no dul moments at all. Whenever you tune to any satellite station there’s so much happening, it’s either testing of ballistic missiles or satellites or space rockets to other planets. In the field of medical sciences, major break through in organs transplant has attained mind blowing progress. In developed  climes death from ailments is no more a threat due technology which has improved the quality of life.

 These breakthroughs basically are supposed to confer advantage to wellbeing and by extension life span, however, reversed is the case as every efforts of world powers is invested in proliferating chemical weapons that threaten the very progress recorded.  It seems no good lesson learnt from his experiences with his Creator. The great world powers possess chemical, biological, ballistic and anti-ballistic missiles bearing chemical headwear. Gradually peace has become scarce commodity while tensions occupying the horizon. It is likely these misadventures may define the length of our sojourning on this planet.

The  degree of violence deployed to perpetuate injustice against developing nations has collapsed the social graph of global morality. While purporting to be on so-called civilization mission to “primitive people” of the dark continent, the imperialists were really on economic exploitation armed with religion as tool. To impose their dominance, they fronted altruistic social services like education, health and road networks, not for the benefits of colonized people rather it was for servicing their colonial empire. The traditional family institution was strategically targeted for destruction with repulsive theory of monogamy. To justify their evil intentions, polygamy was demonised as anti God. Early converts with polygamous families were compelled to abandoned other family members and relocate with the most senior wife and her children to a settlement designated for missionaries known as  'The Missions'.

Meanwhile, Emperor Lord Lugard, the inspector of global morals, had, Flora Shaw in Nigeria alongside his family in London. The mistress was said to be the author of the name Nigeria. Even though they were Christians, it was convenient for them but certainly for primitive natives, it was against God. This double standard still pervert our moral lifestyle till date.

Having successfully destroyed African value system the colonists imposed western traditions upon the people, since then the family institution has not been the same because of these traumatic distortions. Was there no better way of handling the challenges of polygamous converts instead of the option adopted? There was no love, care or concerns for other family members, rather, salvation was limited to only the convert and his senior wife against the majority. I do not think God approved of it. To me, the origin of degeneration bedevilling contemporary family system is traceable to this colonial heritage.

Ironically, they have evolved something worst than polygamy yet they imagined they can force it down our throats. The LGBT philosophy has been well packaged for export to the dark continent. Major global institutions like United Nations, G20, G8, World Bank, IMF etc are drivers of this demonic missions using loan facilities and grants as bait. Africa is undergoing another evolutionary turbulence from the so-called developed economies.

Even though neo-colonial narratives centred around corruption as responsible for African underdevelopment, shamefully these looted funds constitute the economic growth indexes of these countries. Now that they have realised the impact of corruption on developing countries, why is it difficult for these nations that hosted looted funds to repatriate same to countries of origin? And why the diplomatic rigmarole?

The level of advancement determines the nature of social crisis confronting the people. In some countries in Asia, youth suicide is exponentially the highest in the world despite their level of economic development. Marriage in some of these countries is an unpopular phenomenon amongst youth population. Even where they are married they do not want to rise children. Another challenge that faces humanity is the digital technology which instead of positive impact has turned to have adverse consequences on youth development. In South Korea, it is reported  that most young people spent a lot of their time glued to social media on the internet on which is counter productive.

For African youth population the digital economy is a gold mine offering potentials for wealth and job creation through innovations and inventions . Nonetheless, there are negative aspects threatening national unity. The social media, a critical component of digital revolution is the machine for fabricating, processing, packaging hate speech and fake news. Instead of promoting national unity, it is more or less tool for destruction of images and  personalities. The rate at which young people deployed it against each other or parents or leaders is worrisome.  We are on the verge of self destruction, if caution is not employed to stem the tide of these furnace emitting from social media platforms, certainly another global catastrophe is in the pipeline.

Like the first human community, technology with all its benefits is putting man against his Creator. From fabrication of nuclear hardware, gay and lesbianism, digital revolution, its imperative that man is steeping speedily into the abyss which I trust  God will not be too generous to be a patient spectator any longer. Daily in Nigeria, we witness massive erosion of our values to hate speech advocates, it is gradually infiltrating our religious institutions. We are intoxicated with it so much that experiences of other nations that are undergoing or had passed through it is meaningless. We must be guided otherwise we all be  consumed. Like the great American rights advocates, Martin Lurther, I have chosen love because hate is too heavy a burden for me. In everything let love, peace and equally rule over us, amen.
Ramadan Kareem and happy Sunday.


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