Sunday corner,Islam is anchored on peace: Solomon Dalung

I’m amazed that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ to follow another gospel. It’s not really another gospel, but certain people are confusing you and they want to change the gospel of Christ.” Galatians ‭1:6-9‬ ‭CEB‬

There is confusion confronting the foundation of belief system especially by adherents of monotheism. The sons and daughters of Adam profess faith in God yet engaged one another in battle of either superiority or ownership of the Supreme being. The geometrical deviation from original ideology by irritating puritanical thoughts without regards to sanctity of human life is the origin of this conversation. Of concern is the toxic impact on values, psychology and behavioural pattern of future generations. At the centre of these reckless shenanigans lies the question of whether heaven endorsed violence as alternative to serving God?

Ignorance fertilises gullible minds easily for manipulation by advocates of extremism. Little wonder, it is scriptural that  "my people perish for lack of knowledge". What then is knowledge? According to Wikipedia, “Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning”.

Juxtaposing the foregoing, ignorance cannot be confined only to lack of formal education but must also be extended to include ideological indoctrination of informed minds into manipulated psyche influenced by utopianism. Majority of promoters of doctrinal violence against humanity are purportedly enlightened elites who preferred distortion of facts for interests antithetical to peaceful co-existence.

The standard of faith in omnipotent God is determined by love, peace, justice and equality. From Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Traditional religions, all imposes moral obligations that reinforces these values. It is written that no mortal has ever seen God except those whom He bestowed the privilege of seeing His glory, fortunate among these mortals was Prophet Moses. Since God is love, how then can His Name be associated with shedding blood of human life created by Him?

The historical background of rebellion is traceable to Lucifer, the arc-angel who instigated revolt against God in heaven deploying antics of distortion, manipulation and falsehood, consequently, there was violent war between Angels loyal to the Most High and dissidents. Lucifer lost the battle and was banished with his loyalists down to earth. since then things fall apart and  the centre cannot hold. The reggae legend , Bob Marley, captures it aptly when he said, "Everywhere is war, war in the east, war in the west, war..down south, war up North, war, war......

The disorientation of the gospel  accounts for escalating incessant violence with senseless blood letting. It is common knowledge that distortion of true gospel or da’awah for either material benefits or selfish considerations is gathering momentum in contemporary religious spectrum. As result social stability has eluded the nation, thereby making love, peace and tranquility a scarce commodity uncommon even within religious parameters.

The ravaging animosity between different religious groups is scary. If it is not Christianity against Islam, then domestic crisis within the same religion. On one hand, it is either Catholic verses Protestants, or Evangelicals against Pentecostals. In Islam, this ideological differentiation is also infectious and often times violent. The emergence of Islamic state of Iraq and Syria, ISIS, Jama’atu Ali Sunnah Liddah Watti wal jihadi otherwise boko haram with jihadi movements like Al quae’eda, Al shabab, ISWAP, etc has altered perspectives and even narratives  of worshiping God Almighty.

Understanding harmonious co-existence between established faiths can only be evaluated with mutual suspicion and distrust between adherents. The unquantifiable damage inflicted to human civilisation by proponents of extremism is beyond imagination.

The destruction of historical sites by jihadi movements in Middle East and the Sahel Maghreb can only be evaluated within the context of these conversations. In North East Nigeria, the level of destruction of human lives by boko haram terrorists has reversed civilizations many steps backwards, while hunger and poverty traumatizes monstrously. Humanity has been devastated by these unwholesome developments wondering whether God has abandoned us. Paradoxically, the jihadi movements spares nobody even though they claimed to be Islamic reformists but waged violent campaigns against all. They killed even fellow Muslims, so it is difficult to interrogate their intentions, could it be spiritual, political or territorial acquisition for self identity?.

There’s no gainsaying that understanding this utopian ambition can be located within the ambit of “false gospel” from its original form. Sadly, in this country, those saddled with the responsibility of preaching peace and love are the architects of hate speech. They instigate followers against each other with invective sermons from either the pulpit or Dawah occasions.

Shamelessly, they claimed to be fulfilling divine mission. “Cursed is he who preached any gospel different from the original one preached by Christ”, according to the Holy Books. Christians are admonished to reject any gospel that is not from God. Therefore, we must develop character strength to contain these evil masquerading as ambassadors of the Most High. God is spirit so those who worship him must do so in truth and spirit".

The great commission of Christianity is love, “even if I speak in tongues that can move mountains but I have no love, I am like an empty gong that makes noise" according to the Holy Bible.  While emphasizing the significance of love in the life of believer, Christ said, "the greatest of all commandments is love". So where is the love when you hate, attack and kill those who are not Christians? Are you serving God or Mammoths?

Islam means total submission to the will of God. Islam is  anchored on peace, so muslims are obligated to "live in peace with all men to the extent that they have not aggressed you and prevent you from practicing your religion". Islam is a not a religion of ignorance because early revelations to the Prophet, pbuh “ikarah” is the foundation. “There is no compulsion in religion” says the Glorious Quran.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Whoever belives in Allah and the Last Day, Should not harm his neighbour should entertain his guest generously should talk what is good or keep quiet" Al-Bukhari 8:6136. I wonder when fanatics called Christians or fellow Muslims unprintable names like “infidels, kafir or musrikun ”. Are they knowledgeable in the word or they are appropriating the status of judges of men?

Definitely, God is the Master of the day of Judgement, He does not share His glory with partners. The extremists, advocates of hate speech and false gospel shall be accountable for distorting His message. May we be guided on the part of peace and love in Nigeria, amen.
Ramadan Kareem and Happy Sunday


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