Let me start my piece by "Innalillahi Wa'inna ilaihin Raji'un which means all souls must taste death no matter one wealth , poverty ,level of education or ilitracy,no matter the power and status definitely one day it will be history . Late Ja'afar was indeed a great Islamic scholar who follow the suits of late Sheikh  Mahmoud Gumi of none politicking but rather they focuses only on teaching the Islamic world what they need to know about Islam as a religion .

It is 13 years after when in a morning Prayer ,he was shot severely while leading a Congressional Subhi (morning) prayer and he kept reciting the kalamatul Shahadah loudly on a microphone until his last breath . Innalillahi Wa'inna ilaihin Raji'un ,it was indeed a tragic that has set those behind this evil act on serious calamity of life and hereafter for leading the brutal killing of someone who knew only how to preach the gospel of his creator and the message of his messenger Muhammad SAW . The dead of late Ja'afar has created a vacuum that uptil this moment has not been fill because of our today's Sheirks who has reduced themselves to a mere political gamblers and errand boys to politicians .

The late great Islamic scholar of blessed memory was never a member nor a supporter of any politician neither did he campaign in a public domain like many of our Sheirks are doing today which singled him out as someone who stood and died preaching the only Islamic virtures . On a sad note 13 years after , the story is not the same today with our imams ,malamai and our ordered Sheirks taken more important leadership positions more Paramount than their work of leading the clean Islamic society on the basis of fairness , equity and Justice for all and sundry .

The Sheirks in our midst today unfortunate as it is ,they have become a tool of campaign for politicians and have become a riding platforms for the scropolous politicians to emerge as the expenses of their followers who has their ears always widely open to listen to the direction of their calls . They have failed to unite the Muslims community because of their personal cash and carry preaching method to suits their paymasters . They have become sycophants and mud that has suscceded in bringing disunity among Muslims faithfuls in Nigeria . Never in the history of Nigeria that our imams and Sheirks has become this low until after the exit of ja'afar Mahmud Adam who led a clean Muslim community because he never for once ask his followers to either vote or support a particular candidate as the case may be today .

We are all witnessed to how some prominent Islamic scholars in Nigeria are been rewarded with political office such as Amirul Hajj , Ministerial slots , commissioners among other political benefits as against the ethics of their reputable title of Sheirks . It is sad that since the death of late Ja'afar Mahmud Adam of blessed memory,we are yet to see the efforts of either Izala ,Tijaniya and even the MURIC in pursuing the case file of the Innocent soul of the Nigerian great Islamic scholar late Sheirk Ja'afar Mahmud Adam . It is a shame for many of our Islamic scholars today that even if one has an issue that need clarification the option is only to download the files of late Sheirk Ja'afar Mahmud Adam for fatawa on the same issue Kai even the Corona virus that is happening 13 years after his death . There are many of his files that spoke on pandemics and when one looks critically it is not far away from the COVID-19 but only names meaning as Muslim ummah one should always expect things of this nature.

It is saddened today that apart from the divisive tendencies brought to us by many of these malamai one will begin to wonder what is exactly the differences between them and the circular politicians . They are found of issuing contradicting statements that are capable of bringing more agony by creating a circle of confusion to even their followers. They have become a reference point instead of making reference to the prophet Muhammad SAW and his Shahabai (deciples ) but because of fair of loosing relevance many have become "Yan Mallam Yace " instead of "Manzon Allah yace" . This is how these our modern and mostly political incline Sheikrs has reduced to . They have made us to lose our moral upbringing and thoughts as Muslims faithfuls to resort to only what they say just like we have seen in the recent Corona virus where so many disagreements came up even when they know better that we are not above such realities .

Allah Sarki Marigayi Sheirk Ja'afar Mahmud Adam,We are not just missing you but you are indeed been missed for your uncompromised stands on many issues for personal reasons. All and sundry knew better that you never associated yourself with any politician and they are the brain behind your death though as a Muslim second will be added once your time reach . Your fatawas you left behind uptil this moment are the tools been used by  many Muslims community because what we have today unfortunate as it ok is are title holders kawai who never match what they learned in the Holy Qur'an with actions . Government houses and Aso Vila has become their second home.

Ubangiji Allah ya maka Rahama ,Ameen ya Rabbil Alameen .


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